One of my best friends,Yuni was getting married on Saturday, 6th June with her bf, Dodi. Finally! It was nice because on the same day, she was turning 21 years old. Yes, she was getting married on her 21st birthday. Imagine how happy she was!
Cute, isn't it?
Well, we all wish you the best with you new family :)
So we were all headed to her party @ 12pm sharp. Her party took place at L. Dendang (deket daerah Tembung, lumayan jauh). Once we arrived (around 1pm), she was on make up room. So, we were all enjoyed the foods (they were soo delicious!) while waiting for Yuni and Dodi.
Once we saw Yuni and Dodi, we took a lot of pics. I took this pic of them together but not really satisfied, so I suggested to get closer and here's the result:
Cute, isn't it?
Well, we all wish you the best with you new family :)
Who will be next?
Kyahahaha...Congratz Yunitet & Dodod!
Wish they pernikahan dini can be happily ever after as fairy-tale, sampe kakek nenek deh pokoknya..o(^.^)o
Ps. The foodz emang Laziz banged..sering² dumz Yun..huwehehehe..
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